Back on my first Ironman experience in Nice 24th june … The Friday before the race, I went to get my bib, my bracelets … I had cotton legs so I was taken by stress, excitement, a mixture of sensations, emotions, not unpleasant, but somewhat weird. An adrenaline rush in fact! While I was just going to take my bib!
I searched for my name everywhere on the sign Ironman … 2800 registered, had to search to meet again! Done ! I’m happy, even a little proud!

But when it does not, it does not want to! I was ready, well trained but unfortunately, full of adventures that showed that this year I should not cross this finish line! I will not hear “you are an Ironman! Not this year anyway.
Already, my alarm clock does not ring in the morning! I get up 1h later than expected, leaving Saint-Jeannet where I live at 5:30 in the morning! Time when I should have arrived at the bike park! Big stress, big shot of Flip! I will not be able to go see my bike, check if the tires are still inflated, put my bars, freezes on my bike … the bike park closes at 6 am, I’ll never be there again!

Luckily, I arrive at 6h, I can finally do everything but in a rush! Then I get dressed to swim, but I forget my cream, which i need on my neck to avoid burns from friction. Result – I’m burned, but I leave the water content. I check on my watch, 4.2km in 1H16 … Well I swam a little more but everything went well.
I run to the transition zone, bang my toe on the small step by recovering my bike transition bag! In euphoria, I do not feel anything, and I do not think about it.
I ride my bike and here I am, all smiles, happy to be there. The first difficulty is the coast of the condamine, which is a coast of 500m to 13% at the 20th KM. It is short, but it hurts, but it does not matter as I know that 2 km away, I will have the happiness to see my family, my children, as they are there to encourage me. I think then, “I hope they are proud of their mom”. It gives me wings, I do not ask questions, I press the pedals. I arrive at Saint-Jeannet, I have the happiness to see them again, as well as all my friends, who made a beautiful banner to my name. I am well, I smile, I do not suffer, I continue my merry way, without much care until the next difficulty.

Finally it arrives … The climb to the pass of l’ècre. About 21 km climb, so I keep under the pedal, I save myself, I still have about 90km to ride. In short, everything is going well until my derailleur hack breaks in the last difficulty of the bike course …
I am unfortunately forced to abandon the race. The tears flow, I do not stop them anymore. I am devastated, disgusted. The referee arrives is taking my bib. It’s official, surrender! I’m crying again, but it’s like that. I cannot do anything more than wait for a car that goes back to my family.

So it was a great experience, a great Ironman debut. I have good memories, because, despite everything, they will serve me for next year. And yes, I say well next year because it is only part of the journey! I want to hear at least once “you are an Ironman” – or an i Ironwoman !
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